
2024 International Costume Congress - Program & Schedule

Bldg.301(Art Center), Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea)

D -1.   Aug 19(Mon)
Time Contents Location
14:00-17:00 Exhibition Installation
Exhibition Hall
(2F, 206 & 207)

Day 1.   Aug 20(Tue)
Time Contents Location
10:30-11:00 Registration
Preparing for the Exhibition Opening
Exhibition Hall(2F, 206 & 207)
11:00-11:30 Opening Ceremony - International Costume Conference
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
The Exhibition Begin
Exhibition Hall(2F, 206 & 207)
11:30-12:30 Keynote Speech Ⅰ

Danha Kim    🔗Personal profile
(CEO - Danha Inc., Republic of Korea)    🔗Danha's Website
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
12:30-14:00 Lunch & Tea Break
Exhibition Hall Lobby(2F)
14:00-15:00 Oral Presentation Session(Taiwan)
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
15:00-15:20 Break
15:20-16:20 Oral Presentation Session(Korea)
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
16:20-16:40 Moving for the Exhibition Opening Ceremony & Tea Break
16:40-17:00 Opening Ceremony - International Costume Exhibition
Exhibition Hall
(2F, 206 & 207)
17:00-18:00 Moving to the Reception & Welcome Dinner
Conference Venue -> Dinner Venue
18:00-21:00 Reception & Welcome Dinner

Day 2.   Aug 21(Wed)
Time Contents Location
10:30-11:00 Registration & Preparing for the Poster Presentation
Preparing for the Exhibition Opening
Exhibition Hall(2F, 206 & 207)
11:00-11:30 Poster Presentation Session
The Exhibition Begin
Exhibition Hall(2F, 206 & 207)
11:30-12:30 Keynote Speech II

Kyunghwa Chae    🔗Personal profile
(Costume designer - Kyunghwa Chae co,Ltd, Republic of Korea)
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
12:30-14:00 Lunch & Tea Break
Exhibition Hall Lobby(2F)
14:00-15:00 Oral Presentation Session(Japan)
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
15:00-15:20 Break
15:20-16:20 Demonstration - related to traditional Korean costume techniques

Kyunghee Kim    🔗Personal profile
(National Intangible Heritage Tanggeonjang - Korea Heritage Service, Republic of Korea)

QR cord *Tanggeonjang(Horsehair Hat Making, 宕巾匠)    🔗Korea Heritage Service's Website
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
16:20-16:40 Award & Closing Ceremony
CAU Art Hall(3F, 306)
16:40-18:00 Vacating the exhibition hall
Exhibition Hall
(2F, 206 & 207)

*The above schedule may change later.