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[홍보] 홍콩 시티유니버시티에서 열리는 컨퍼런스 안내

  Call For Papers: Fashion in Fiction: Style Stories and Transglobal Narratives 12-14 June, 2014

Department of English, City University of Hong Kong,
Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong

Fashion travels on a never-ending journey from one century to another, across country and culture and from one generation to the next. Moving from sweatshop to wardrobe; season to season, page to screen, newspaper to website, camera to blog, catwalk to high street, producer to consumer, writer to reader, artist to audience, and across the lifetime of a individual’s wardrobe. The narrative representations of fashion across time and cultures have also included a wide range of fiction and non-fiction and verbal and non-verbal forms of media from print to digital formats. The study and practice of fashion is located across space and place as a form of creative expression and as a subject for academic analysis Fashion is a universal theme for novelists; poets, playwrights, directors, writers, creators, designers, merchants, advertisers, bloggers and flaneurs who are drawn to the power of appearances.

This conference will focus on the material and non-material forms of fashion for a range of professional, commercial, historical, social, cultural and creative purposes. The conference will be international and cross-cultural in order to highlight the largely transglobal, transcultural multiple flows of fashion discourse and to broaden the analysis of fashion beyond a purely traditional Western frame of analysis.

Papers may include the way that fashion has been used as a mediated form of content for advertising and branding campaigns or as a subject for fashion documentaries across the 20th century. It can also be analyzed from the perspective of fashion as a literary and filmic device or trope for character development and authentic social scene setting in novels, films, videos, photographs and art. Equally, these fashion narratives can encompass the professional expressions of fashion from design to journalistic commentary on the fashion industry in editorials and blogs. Participants are also encouraged to define their own ideas of transcultural narratives and cross-cultural flows.

Papers fitting the conference theme are sought from those engaged in the cross disciplinary fields of fashion studies, social sciences, humanities, anthropology, history, cultural studies, visual studies, creative writing, professional writing, communication, media studies, media production, cultural studies, language studies, design, architecture, art, curatorial studies, philosophy, management and business.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Fashion and/in novels, plays, diaries, short stories
• Fashion and/in films and television programs
• Fashion as/in art
• Fashion in/as documentaries
• Fashion in/as film
• Fashion as/in poetry
• Fashion journalism
• Fashion and social media
• Fashion events and shows
• Fashion archives
• Fashion illustration
• Fashion and/in marketing communication
• Fashion advertising
• Fashion brands and branding
• Fashion merchandising
• Fashion promotion
• Fashion writing
• Fashion discourse
• Fashion communication
• Fashion as/in videos and viral media
• Fashion photography
• Fashion and performance
• Fashion and the consumer
• Fashion and the body
• Fashion style trend
• Fashion travel
• Fashion and popular culture
• Fashion and cultural hybridity
• Fashion and politics
• Fashion and trade
• Fashion and economy
• Fashion and gender

All submissions for this conference will be blind peer-reviewed. Those selected will be published in conference proceedings. Participants interested in submitting for this conference should do the following:

In an email submit to Anne Peirson-Smith at: english.event@cityu.edu.hk in a Single Folder With Your Name As Folder Name.

1. Submit a 500 word abstract (including citations) and 100-word biography in a single Word file labeled (your LASTNAME_File One) your last name underscore File One.
2. Submit an abstract without your name or biography labeled simply (File Two).

Please use your professional emails not any email that use nick-names or that are not associated to your professional affiliations. You will also need to include all your professional contact information in your email as well.

Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2014. Everyone will be notified of acceptance by February 14, 2014.

Please visit http://fashioninfiction2014.com/ for more details of the conference.

Two Publication Formats For Conference Papers

Participants will have the opportunity to submit their papers for publication in either of the following formats:

  1. Book Chapter
    Those who would like to submit their papers for book publication can submit them to the conference organizers for possible inclusion in the book, Fashion in Popular Culture II.
  2. Journal Article
    Those interested in having their papers published as a journal articles can submit them to the official journal of the conference Fashion, Style and Popular Culture: