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국제학술대회 - 학술대회 발표 신청서, 초록작성 양식 (International Costume Conference Application, Abstract format & Guideline for writing abstract)

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1687
<Guideline for writing an abstract for the International Costume Conference Presentation (OralㆍPoster)>

Please fill out the abstract below and send it to us.
The paper that is not composed strictly in the following format, is not subject to an examination.

1. Application
2. Abstracts (1 - 2 pages): Make sure to fill at least 80% of the last page.
3. Submit files 1 & 2 after logging in to the Korean Society of Costume Website
(‘Conference’→ ‘submission’)   http://submit.ksc.or.kr/118
4. Please confirm the acknowledgment of receipt confirmation e-mail.
(If there is no reply via e-mail, please send an additional email to ksc@ksc.or.kr )